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Bail Making Pliers 3-5mm


2 in stock

SKU: BS07842 Category:


Filigree is a popular component for making that unique piece of jewellery and now with the introduction of these bail making pliers it is quite straight forward to make your own pendant bails or wraps from thin filigree components to encase pendants and beads for hanging.

Bail making pliers differ from other types of pliers as they have jaws that aren’t tapered. Each pair of bail making pliers has 2 diameters that are consistent along the lengths of the jaws. Both jaws can be used to bend and form your bails. The smaller pliers we stock have jaws of diameter 3mm and 5mm. The larger pliers we stock have jaws of 6mm and 8mm.

Additional information

Weight 132.9 g
Pack size
