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Bobbins for Kumihimo Braiding

Regular Price £0.55 incl.VAT£34.50 incl.VAT

SKU: 10894 Categories: ,


Bobbins for Kumihimo Braiding are light weight plastic bobbins and are ideal to use when braiding. These bobbins will give you complete control over your braid.

You can control the length of threads you have feeding into your kumihimo braid. Wind your cord around the centre & fold the bobbin inside out to secure your thread. You can then let out a small amount of cord at a time.

The bobbins will keep the threads spread out enough to keep the multiple strands from tangling with each other. The bobbins also add a small amount of weight to the braiding threads giving you a usable tension in the final braid.

Use one bobbin per thread that you have feeding into your kumihimo braid. The standard braid uses 8 threads which is why we have them in packs of eight. To finish off your kumihimo bracelet or necklace we have

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kumihimo bobbins
Bobbins for Kumihimo Braiding
Regular Price £0.55 incl.VAT£34.50 incl.VAT