When we arrived at the shop on Monday morning we were confronted by our large window having been smashed. We believe it happened on Saturday night and unfortunately having a shop in the middle of a busy city centre this is something we have to contend with. We are fortunate that it has only happened to us a handful of times over our 21 years. However after the last 18 months of treading water and hoping things will pick up, the additional cost of replacing the window has been a massive blow.
It not only has financial ramifications, it also eats into our valuable time. We spent all morning ringing every glazier we could find after discovering there was a 3 week wait for our usual glaziers, to even be able to give us a quote – eek! Fortunately Hana found someone who could squeeze us in so we weren’t left (with the essentially sellotaped, monstrosity that the window was) for too long. Alex’s Autumnal window display, she had just finished, had to be entirely removed along with all our glass shelves and cable fixtures for the glaziers to access the window and then put it all back together again – our time and resources are so precious it really saddens us. It’s meant that we haven’t been able to launch the new patterns and projects we’d planned to this week and has no doubt meant we’ve taken less money at a time we’ve already been hit by covid.
However, after the initial upset/anger/frustration/sinking feeling subsided a little we realised it’s not the end of the world. There are things we can do, we’ve bounced back from far worse. We had several customers suggest that we run a Just Giving/Go Fund Me fundraiser to pay for the new window which got us thinking……
We don’t want to ask for money for nothing, so rather than asking for donations we have created two ways in which you can help!
A Coffee and Cake voucher that can be bought now and redeemed in store (it can be used on tea too) and can be saved and used anytime in the next year. You can even buy one as a gift for a friend!
Or buy our PDF Festive Decorations Trio pattern – we’ve brought the launch of this forward to help fund the replacement glass and so you can start to get prepared for Christmas.
Festive Decorations Trio PDF Pattern DownloadRegular Price £10.00 incl.VAT
If you can spare the time and the money to help we’d greatly appreciate it as even multiple extra small purchases helps with cash flow when a spanner has been thrown in the works (or at our window in this case).